Get in touch

Company contacts

Adampolis, UAB
Legal entity code: 234522530, VAT number:  LT345225314
Perspektyvos st. 10-1, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 473803
Email: [email protected]

Transporto pardavimai, UAB
MAN TopUsed 
Legal entity code: 305262066, VAT number: LT100012671319
Perspektyvos st. 10, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 694 37872
Email: [email protected]

Adampolis, UAB
Spare parts for commercial and non-commercial transport
Legal entity code: 234522530, VAT number:  LT345225314
Perspektyvos st. 10-1, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 473803
Email: [email protected]

Adampolis, UAB
Financing solutions
Legal entity code: 234522530, VAT number:  LT345225314
Perspektyvos st. 10-1, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 473803
Email: [email protected]

VL Rental, UAB
Construction and agricultural equipment
Legal entity code: 302752182, VAT number:  LT100006753819
Perspektyvos st. 10, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 633 44044
Email: [email protected]

Transporto nuoma, UAB
Long-term truck rent
Legal entity code: 303428386, VAT number: LT100008922913
Perspektyvos st. 10-1, LT-52119 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 473803
Email: [email protected]